dah mmg DS Nizar layak jadi imam
Monday, March 30, 2009
Buat Video Pokok pun Bley Kena Tangkap
wat citer lucah, sexy bley aja
tapi wat pasal pokok kn tangkap
Posted by AbDuL LuDiN at Monday, March 30, 2009 0 comments
Friday, March 27, 2009
Macam mana nak berhadapan dengan HANTU!
Hantu yang berbungkus macam lepat pisang baru masak ni memang mudah cari kelemahannya. Kita hanya perlu bukak tali pengikat di atas kepalanya dan tarik kain balutannya. Sudah tentu dia akan berasa malu rana dia tidak pakai apa apa pun, selain kain kapan pembungkusnya tu.
Dia ni suka pandang muka kita, jadi beranikan diri anda tenung balik muka dia sambil jelir-jelir lidah. Kalau tak pun tunjuk cermin muka kat dia, pasti dia tersipu-sipu malu.
Hantu yang suka ketawa. Kalau terserempak dengan dia, kita pun mestilah ketawa sama. Kalau boleh kita cuba mengilai lebih kuat dari dia, tentu dia boring.
Hantu Raya
Hantu ni suka beraya dan suka menyamar jadi tuan dia. Cara mengalahkannya senang saja, sambutlah hari raya tiap kali jumpa dia, bagi duit raya, ajak main meriam buluh, suruh kacau dodol atau jaga lemang. Tentu dia tak kacau kita sebab banyak kerja dan aktiviti lain dia nak buat.
Hantu Galah
Hantu ni la yang paling tinggi di muka bumi. Kalau terjumpa dia, kita hendaklah meniarap. Pasti dia tak perasan kita ada disitu.
Dia ni ada kulit tapi nipis. Tinggal rangka saja, dan paling mudah untuk menewaskannya. Kita hanya perlu tunjal dahinya dengan telunjuk dan lihat gerak-gerinya mengimbangi badan untuk berdiri tegak.
Lagi senang kalau nak kalahkan dia, bagi duit satu sen berguni-guni..nanti dia ingat duit emas, lepas tu dia pikul bawak balik bagi tuannya... lepas tu sah-sah lah dapat penampau Jepun dari tuannya kerana mana nak tukar duit satu sen banyak2 tu.
Hantu Ponteng
Yang ni payah sikit nak cakap sebab, hantu-hantu ni cam korang lerrr..takder kerja lain asyik ponteng kerja, lepaih tu nengok e-mail..macam sekarang nih..sah-sah tengah ponteng nie..macamana nak jawab..korang sendiri gak jadik hantu..jadi bawak-bawaklah buat kerja ... .. hehehehehe
from http://isuhangat.blogspot.com/2009/03/macam-mana-nak-berhadapan-dengan-hantu.html
Posted by AbDuL LuDiN at Friday, March 27, 2009 0 comments
Thursday, March 26, 2009
What is Hell (Jahannam)?
[All about Hell. what, where, how and more.]
- Hell is so deep that if a stone were to be thrown into it, it would travel for 70 years to reaching at the bottom.
- The breadth of each of the four walls around Hell is equivalent to a distance covered by a walking journey of 40 years.
- Hell has 7 gates.
- Hell had been lit for one thousand years until its flames became red.. Again it has heated for another thousand years till its color became white. Still again it was burnt for further thousand years and its white color flames turned pitch black.
- Even the fiercest fire of this world is 70 fold cooler than the fire of Hell.
- The lightest punishment in Hell would be the wearing of "Fiery shoes which would cause one ' s brain to boil.
- Hell in infested with venomous snakes and scorpions of the size of donkeys and if they were to bite a person then he or she will suffer pain for 40 years.
- For food, the dweller of Hell would be given Zaqqum which is a prickly tree, so bitter, that even if a single molecule of it were to spill onto this earth it would make all the foodstuff of the world bitter and unpalatable.
- For drinking, the denizen of Hell would be provided with hot, boiling pus mixed with blood, matter, urine and tears etc. of the dwellers of Hell. If a bucket of this foul liquid were to be splashed over this earth, the entire world would be upset and disrupted by its most foul stink.
- Boiling water would be poured over Jahannami ' s head and this will cause their internal organs to melt and leak out through their feet.
- The inmates of Hell would be lashed with heavy clubs of iron. If one such club was to be placed upon this earth, the combined strength of all the human beings, as well as all the Jinn, would fail to lift it; and if a mountain is struck with one of these clubs it would cause the whole mountain to disintegrate.
- The dwellers of Hell would be burnt daily for 70 thousand times. Every time, after the skin and flesh is burnt; they would be restored to life so that they can continuously taste this punishment.
- A drunkard will be given blood, pus, sweat, filth etc. to drink in Hell.
- All the haughty people will be gathered in the Hereafter and driven towards Hell but their bodies would be reduced to the size of ants and they will be given to consume the excretions of the dwellers of Hell.
- Some sinners would be made to climb "SAUD" which is a mountain of fire in Hell, and then dropped from its peak and climb and dropped from its peak and climb and dropped from its peak and this process would continue forever and ever.
- The dwellers of Hell would be pound in chains which would be greater in length than the distance between the sky and the earth.
- The clothes of sinners in Hell would be highly inflammable.
- Beside physical torture, the dwellers of Hell would also be subjected to mental harassment through the taunting by the guardian of Hell who will remind them of their misdeed on earth and remarks "Now taste the fires" etc.
- The sinners and disbelievers would be humiliate to such an extent that besides their revolting ugliness and pitch black faces, their upper lips would be touching their foreheads and the lower lip dangling around the navel.
- The dwellers of Hell would weep so much and shed so much of tears and blood that furrows would be formed on their cheeks.
- The tongues of Hell-inmates would be so long and protruding from there mouths that others would trample and step on them.
- Shayateen will also rebuke the denizens of Hell. (you will see the jinn and other foul looking creatures you have never seen before burning and shouting right next to you)
- All the human senses will experience pain and foulness. You will hear horrific and disturbing sounds you have never heard before that would indeed shake you and scare you, and you will see foul and horrific things you have never seen before, as well as taste the foulest things you couldn’t possibly imagine eating... and of course feel pain like no human could possibly ever imagine, forever.
- The dwellers of Hell would display their rage and fury on those who led them astray.
- The inhabitants of Hell would appeal to the guardians of Jahannam to intercede on their behalf in the court of Allah but their pleas would reject. They would make direct supplication to Allah but their prayers would not be granted.
- They will then abide forever in Hell, continuously lamenting and braying like a***s (jungle animals)
Well even if you try to imagine it, it’s ten thousand times worse.
Humans were created not capable of imagining hell or heaven.
This world is temporary. But when you die, that’s when you start your permanent life.
I hope when you read this you will try to strengthen your EEMAN and fear ALLAH and his punishment. Because when he punishes, he will be severe.
I certainly don’t envy those disbelievers out there. They will all suffer a terrible ending.
email by Fazal Khan
Posted by AbDuL LuDiN at Thursday, March 26, 2009 0 comments
Gelagat Peminat Sukan Luar Negara

fanatik la katakan
Malaysia pon ada jgk yg ganas2
tp blum sampai tahap nih lagi rasanya
for more pics
Posted by AbDuL LuDiN at Thursday, March 26, 2009 0 comments
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Meja Study
Posted by AbDuL LuDiN at Wednesday, March 25, 2009 0 comments
DragonQuest 2009 DVDRiP XviD-WaLMaRT
Posted by AbDuL LuDiN at Wednesday, March 25, 2009 0 comments
Labels: direct link, mediafire, movie
Heroes S03E20 HDTV XviD-LOL
thank you to the uploader
Posted by AbDuL LuDiN at Wednesday, March 25, 2009 0 comments
Labels: direct link, heroes, mediafire
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Rahsia Tahi Lalat
Bagian Badan | Firasat |
bibir atas kanan | banyak rezeki, pandai |
bibir atas kiri | ramai kawan, baik hati |
bibir bawah kanan | disegani orang, ramai yg suka |
bibir bawah kiri | pandai bicara, tak mudah kalah |
leher kanan | cerdas, jujur, berani menderita |
leher kiri | cerdas dlm segala hal dan banyak pengetahuan |
leher di tengah | tercapai cita-cita |
biji mata kanan | suka serong dan pembohong |
biji mata kiri | pembohong tetapi baik hati |
hujung mata kanan | baik hati, sopan santun, cerdas |
hujung mata kiri | baik budi, murah rezeki |
punggung kanan | agak mengalami kesulitan |
punggung kiri | malas dan suka duduk |
betis kanan | suka berhibur, boros |
betis kiri | rajin,tidak suka menganggur |
lutut kanan | bersikap tidak peduli dan tak mahu berusaha |
lutt kiri | kurang kuat berusaha |
kepala sebelah kanan | terkabul cita-cita |
kepala sebelah kiri | sering menemui kesusahan |
kepala sebelah belakang | jujur, sabar dan tekun |
kening kanan | cerdas dan cekap |
kening kiri | cerdas, sopan santun |
tengah kening | keras hati, berani segala hal |
hujung mulut kanan | kecil rezeki, tak mudah kalah |
hujung mulut kiri | suka berpoya-poya |
ketiak kanan | dapat menyimpan rahsia |
ketiak kiri | jujur, banyak yang cinta |
pergelangan kaki kanan | suka berpergian (keluar rumah) |
pergelangan kaki kiri | kehendak kuat |
batang hidung | banyak dicintai orang dan dapat menjadi kaya |
pada hidung | banyak rezeki |
dagu bawah kanan | jujur dan baik hati |
dagu bawah kiri | bijak |
kemaluan kanan atau kiri | baik, suka senggama |
di kepala kemaluan (lelaki) | bakal beristeri 2 |
tumit kanan | jujur dan banyak kawan |
tumit kiri | baik budi |
alis kanan | suka menolong, baik hati |
alis kiri | ramai yang suka |
pangkal peha kanan | kemahuan kuat |
pangkal peha kiri | suka kerja apa pun |
telapak kaki kanan | tak mudah mengeluh |
jari kaki kanan | suka menolong |
jari kaki kiri | berbudi, suka berbuat baik |
bahu kanan | cermat dlm membuat keputusan, banyak tanggungan |
bahu kiri | suka kerja keras, banyak tanggungjawab |
buah dada kanan | baik hati, pendiam,simpan rahsia |
buah dada kiri | ramai kawan, setia pada pasangan |
lengan kanan | setia dan taat pada atasan |
lengan kiri | menepati janji dan rajin |
pipi kanan | ramai teman |
tengah-tengah pipi kanan | ramai yg suka |
tengah-tengah pipi kiri | ramai teman |
ubun-ubun | kurang jujur |
pusat | cerdas, tangkas, tekun |
pusat bahagian kanan | sejahtera dalam hidup |
pusat bahagian kiri | beroleh kemliaan |
pinggang kanan | sayang pada pasangan hidup |
pinggang kiri | disayang pasangan hidup |
dada kanan | dapat mengatasi masalah |
dada kiri | berani, jujur dan sabar |
telapak kaki kanan | tidak mudah mengeluh |
telapak kaki kiri | baik budi pekertinya |
siku tangan kanan | kuat ingin memiliki kekayaan |
siku tangan kiri | baik hati, suka menolong |
jari tangan kanan | serba beroleh keuntungan |
jari tangan kiri | serba baik bekerja |
jari telapak tangan kanan | banyak rezeki tapi boros |
jari telapak tangan kiri | banyak rezeki dan cermat |
perut bawah kanan | banyak rezeki, suka memberi maaf |
perut bawah kiri | baik hati, tenang hidupnya |
sudut mata kanan dalam | disayang suami atau isteri |
sudut mata kiri dalam | tidak mudah dilupakan pasangan |
sudut mata kanan luar | baik budi, ramai yg cinta |
pelipis kiri | murah rezeki, dpt jadi kaya |
pelipis kanan | serba berhasil dalam usaha |
kelopak mata kanan atas | baik hati, ramah, berjaya |
kelopak mata kiri atas | baik budi, ramai yg suka |
kelopak mata kanan bawah | agak malas |
kelopak mata kiri bawah | agak bodoh, kurang bijaksana |
Posted by AbDuL LuDiN at Tuesday, March 24, 2009 0 comments